3 Crucial Parts to the Reception... Part 2 - The Dinner

Part 2 ... The Dinner...

In my last email we examined the importance of Formalities, and why we need to sit together to Plan everything that happens during your reception.
Dinner is also an important aspect of your reception ... it's not just for eating! This is schmoozing time, social time, and a great opportunity for the DJ to involve the older guests.

Now, one of the biggest complaints I hear about DJs (not me!) is that the Music is TOO LOUD during dinner! I hear it from 90% of the people who have attended weddings recently. A Great DJ knows that 3 things must happen during dinner...

1) Conversation - This is a time for relatives to find each other again, talk about old times, tell old stories, even make new table friends. I ALWAYS walk around to the tables and ask if they can hear each other, and offer to turn the music DOWN if they can't.

2) It's YOUR time to get up (Eat First!) and mingle with the crowd, visiting tables and gathering envelopes!

3) Slow Dancing - I announce during my introductions that the Dance Floor will be open during dinner, and that the guests should join in to a few of the great love songs I'll be playing throughout this period. I also tell them that I take requests, so if there's a special song in their lives (maybe Their Wedding Song?) I'd be overjoyed to play it. This is a great time for the older relatives to participate in your wedding, and it should not be neglected. Another frequent complaint I hear about DJs is they cranked Top 40 during dinner, and never played ANY love songs. I try to accommodate the older crowd with love songs from Elvis, Beatles, Van Morrison, Nat King Cole, Doo Wop - anything that will help them share in your big day!