Personal Note - I LOVE this!

Sorry everyone - I write too much (if you know me there's a constant stream of words that bypasses my brain and flies over my teeth).

Just wanted to tell you that I am SOOOO LUCKY tobe doing what I love to do, and making a living at it. To me, other than working as a doctor who brings new life into the world, there can be NO better job, AND the doctor doesn't get to blast the Ramones while 50 people dance!

Someone, when I was a child, derisively called me a People Pleaser, but it's in my nature. I share one of the Biggest moments of a bride/grooms life- the inception of Life Together (a New Life), and it's up to me to make the day special. I'd prefer to be labelled a "Lover" or Caregiver or whatever. Every week I have the opportunity to share something with a couple that they otherwise would have missed had they hired a hack, a kid, or a car-salesman posing as a DJ.

And I LOVE IT! I make the mothers happy, the fathers happy; I play the songs in an special environment that brings back gorgeous memories for an older couple! Do you knowwhat Vibe it takes to get people to get up and dance? Try it! Try playing adance song, then following it up with 5 better songs that will keep the out there!

But to me it's heaven, it's that zone people talk about. As a musician I know that zone when I'm digging in on a great solo (for me, blues or even David Gilmourish). At a wedding I get to play my toys loud, and I find some satisfaction in knowing that someone really cares about these brides, when to other vendors it's just a "Show-up and Throw-up and collect the check and see ya"!

I am truly grateful to the 60 brides per year that see something in me, that trust me to share their day. When does a man get to really use his talents and toys to turn on those he's come to love? F*in-A, man!

I'm gonna dig blogging! - Full Reception only $900!

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